Saturday, January 9, 2010

'Tis Time to Chasse

Ah…square dancing…Did you partake in this as part of junior high gym class, too? The girls would line up on one side of the gym, the boys on the other, and we would take turns crossing the vast gym floor to ask someone of the opposite gender to dance. This is one of my most entertaining and horrifying memories. Nothing says let’s help these kids learn about potential (and actual) rejection now, like the square dance.

Now, you couldn’t actually say “no” if someone asked you to dance. But we all know there is more than one way to reject someone…an eye roll, a disgusted glance, a shudder, a side comment to a friend…I could go on. It’s not any actual rejection that I remember receiving that cements this memory in my mind. Instead, what I recall most vividly is the moment right before we had to “put ourselves out there” and walk across the floor. I was fine watching others do it – I was even very supportive of my friends. I was also fine having someone come to me. But when it was my turn to step forward and take the risk, it was, well, nauseating.

For as bold as I am, part of me remains the 7th grader who wants to stay on the comfy side of the gymnasium. I am very supportive of others and gladly participate in response to someone. When it comes to stepping out in vulnerability, I often stifle myself. If I am never the one to cross the gym floor, I can never really going to be subject to any form of rejection. It’s really that simple and that sad. Authentically expressing myself in a blog is like crossing the gym floor for me. I know that not everyone will agree or like things I have to say, but this is me.  I step out on to the floor knowing full well that I may get an eye roll, a disgusted glance, a shudder, a side comment to a friend, or even a direct tongue lashing. So be it. I do not believe in letting fear guide my choices. Fear paralyzes and keeps us from truly becoming who we are called to be.

So I shall write whatever is on my mind – from the random to the meaningful. And while I hope my blog periodically makes you smile or think, I must be honest in saying it really is for me:). It is my self-made challenge to “chasse” across the floor and it starts right here.

For your enjoyment...

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